Friday, April 30, 2010

Cutting Calories#1

Mcdonald's Big n' Tasty w/Cheese
Price: $3-4
Calories: 510

Have you ever tried giving up fast food such as McDonalds because of the amount of calories it has, but couldn't? Well here are a few good tips to cut calories and yet enjoy that hamburger that you've been craving.

Tip#1: Replace the bun with low calorie bread such as Wonderbread Wonder Light Wheat(40cal each slice) or SaraLee 45 calories & delightful bread(45cal each slice wheat or white).

For example, the big and tasty bun amounts to 170 calories!
If you were to replace it with these breads, the calories would amount to:
WonderBread Light Wheat: (510-170)+80= 420
SaraLee 45 Calories: (510-170)+90= 430

Tip#2: Go without Mayo
Mayo= 50 Calories

If you plan to get it with cheese, try not to have mayo in it. Cheese overtakes the flavor of the Mayo. If you can't taste it, what's the point of getting it?
WonderBread Light Wheat: (510-170)+80= 420-50= 370
SaraLee 45 Calories: (510-170)+90= 430-50= 380

Here's a thought:
Mayo is no less than 50 calories in that Big n' Tasty. The employees might not even measure the amount they put in it. You might be consuming more than you think.

Tip #3: Go without the cheese or replace the cheese with Kraft Fat Free American Cheese (30 caloires)

The American Cheese in the Big N' Tasty = 50 calories

WonderBread Light Wheat w/o mayo: (510-170)+80= 420-50= 370-50=320
SaraLee 45 Calories w/o mayo: (510-170)+90= 430-50= 380-50=330

w/Fat Free Kraft American Cheese

WonderBread Light Wheat w/o mayo: (510-170)+80= 420-50= 370-50=320+30=350
SaraLee 45 Calories w/o mayo: (510-170)+90= 430-50= 380-50=330+30=360


In the end, if you switch the bun for low calorie bread, go without mayo, replace the cheese, you would have eaten about 160-150 calories less.
Lower if you go without the cheese.
About 190-180 calories less!

You may think that 150 or 180 calories isn't much of a difference, but calories due add up!

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